Different Operating systems, its functions, multitasking and virtualization


                Today I'm going to tell you about different operating system platforms.


An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It basically manages the computer's memory processes as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak computers language. so you'll need to write any programs to tell the operating system. It just knows how to communicate with the hardware and other software systems. 

                There are several operating systems out there, and I've listed few of them.

FreeBSD, NetBSD, open BSD


Microsoft Windows

Open VMs the Mac OS

OS/2 etc. 

                Each of these operating systems have the same functionality as far as the talking to hardware and software is concerned. But the look and feel is different. So for instance if you have a Mac OS it'll have its own set of instructions rules, the interface itself, the tools menus and so on. If you have Microsoft Windows, it has its own set of proprietary, serve instructions, tools and menus. So based on your own preference you can purchase or buy or use any one of these operating systems.


                Some of the key functions are 

Memory management

Process Management

Device management

File management


Control over system performance

Coordination between other software and users

                 What an operating system does it manages the memory of your computer. It also manages the processor. The CPU manages devices, file management, handles all the security of your computer, controls over system performance and importantly coordination between other software and users. So each of these operating systems has its unique functionality and important functions, because these functions matter to the user. If the users were to use a certain function, the operating system is the one at the kernel level or the core level tells the software how to get the message to the user. So think of this as being able to provide different functionality in a more efficient manner and easier manner to the user itself. Because the bottom line is obviously the user who's actually using the operating system and other software's and accessing different hardware within the actual computer. The operating systems job is not only to function internally but also be able to provide an efficient outcome to the user.



                Multitasking is allowing a user to perform more than one computer task such as, the operation of an application program at a given point in time. So you could have a word processing program open such as Microsoft Word yet at the same time you're downloading something from the internet. It means that there are two things happening simultaneously.


                It is the creation of a virtual rather than the actual version of something, such as an operating system. You can have a virtual operating system on your own computer, so you can run multiple OS on your computer or a server. It could be a storage device or network resources, so you can virtualize several things.

                In this blog,  I talked about different operating systems, functions of different OS, multitasking and virtualization.


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